Join this new campaign, which aims to increase the protection of children during conflicts. Read more below the video.. Tap the black screen to play!
As ordinary people, it is difficult to see how we can make a difference in a matter this big. Most times we begin making a little waves and then we give up in the face of resistance. We will show you a step by step guide, on how to make waves in a way where resistance will be very difficult. We will show you how you can make a difference, and assert influence!
STEP 1: Do a social media post that goes beyond politics.
So making a social media post that goes beyond politics is not difficult, in fact it could look like this. -“No matter who we vote for, and whom we listen to, Children should never be killed during conflict, and should always be protected from the horrors of war! This is human rights.. not politics!” – Please share this post, as it is part of a larger online protest against children being casualties of war!– A post like this one goes beyond politics and should be accepted by most people.
STEP 2: Write your elected representative.
Writing your elected representative or a politician in government may seem futile, but it is not i assure you. Politicians are often moved by what is in the public eye and by popular opinion, so if enough people write in about the protection of children, they will take note. I have written a letter here, where i adress my elected representative.
-start letter
-“Dear Secretaries of Justice, defense and foreign affairs in the Kingdom of Denmark
I write to you all in light of the overwhelming number of children dying during raging conflicts in recent months. Several conflicts, in which we have a political stake, are totally out of control when it comes to the threat posed against civilians and children. The ICC have requested arrest warrants towards several war criminals, requests that have been answered with threats and resistance against the court, still we see no arrests, and no better behavior from the parties involved in the raging conflicts. I ask that you get vocal on behalf of our nation! We are not a nation that supports the killing of children during conflict! We are a nation of justice and we support human rights and the ICC! I may just be one voice in millions, but i believe my points are valid, i believe these children deserve the protections i here speak of, and i believe we as humans have a resposibility to get vocal when children are threatened in the wake of war! I hereby request that you get vocal on behalf of our nation. I ask that we send out an international plea, for better protection of kids and civilians during the raging conflicts, and that we repeat our clear support for the International criminal court!” -end of letter.
STEP 3: Support others who is fighting this fight!
Your voice of support, is just as important as your own voice. This is often overlooked, as it in recent times often all about our own media prescence more than it is about being a supporting voice. The supporting voice and role however, is just as important as that of the one controlling the narrative. If you see a post voicing concern for children during conflict, or is advocating for human rights. Support it.
This post was made by: louddemocracy.com